
Facebook Profiles vs Business Pages

What's The Difference and Why Does It Matter?

If you’re running a business you need to get on Facebook.  With over 2.8 billion active users on Facebook, your business simply cannot afford not to be on Facebook.  According to HubSpot’s State of Marketing Report: 2021, 78% of US consumers made purchases through discoveries on Facebook. When it comes to marketing, your business needs to “go where your customers are” and your customers are on Facebook. But before you start sharing new product launches and upcoming sales with all your friends, it’s important to know the difference between a personal profile and a Facebook Business Page.

What is a Personal Profile?

A personal profile is what people use to connect with friends and family, share photos, chat about their favorite Netflix shows – all those things that are really just for fun. While there are advantages to sharing business related content with your friends and family, you’re more likely to alienate them by turning personal exchanges into business transactions.  Everyone has the one multilevel marketing friend tags all of their friends in every single post about their make up products, or they relentlessly message you and all of your friends with sales pitches for their “feels like butter” leggings.

Don’t be that person.  We promise it doesn’t work.

It’s important to have some separation between your personal life and your business. But more importantly, a personal profile lacks specific tools only available for business pages.

Why You Need a Facebook Business Page

Facebook Business Pages (also referred to as just “Pages”) are customized especially for businesses, brands and organizations. And they’re designed to help you connect with your customers in a more business-like way. Use your Page to talk about your products or services, run promotions & contests, publish blog posts – all the things that make running an online business easier!

You can even use Facebook Pages to create custom tabs and apps that help you promote your products or services. For example, you can add an eCommerce store to your Page, or run a contest using one of Facebook’s built-in apps.

In addition to giving your business a more professional “look”, Pages have a higher chance of being seen in news feeds than personal profiles. This is because people who “like” your Page will see your updates in their News Feeds, even if they’re not friends with you on Facebook.

How Do I Create a Business Page?

Now that you know the difference between a Facebook Profile and a Facebook Business Page, it’s time to create a page for your business!

  • Go to facebook.com/pages/create and click “create”.
  • Then choose a category type.
  • Fill out as much information about your business as you can. Be sure to include your business address, contact information, and website address.
  • Upload a profile photo (your logo is usually best) and cover photo.
  • Start posting! You can share photos, videos, blog posts – whatever you think will help promote your business

And that’s it! Once you have a Facebook Page it is important to fill out all the details on your Page. Add your company description, business hours, and more so you customers know who they’re following.

For more tips to get started on Facebook for business, follow Bidot Digital.  Need help creating content and reaching more customers?  We can do that too! Contact us for a free consultation today!

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